Retirement Planning
October 3, 2024

Do You Need a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan?

Stewart Willis

Retirement planning for senior executives often requires more than a 401k or pension plan. A supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) provides extra financial security if you have a high-level position. But what exactly is a SERP, and how does it fit into your overall retirement strategy?

Companies design SERPs to help senior executives build a more substantial retirement safety net with long-term benefits. It’s helpful for executives who may face limits on the amount they can contribute to qualified plans. This blog explores a supplemental executive retirement plan, how it works, and whether it’s the right choice to enhance your retirement.

What Is a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan?

A SERP (supplemental executive retirement plan) is an extra retirement benefit for senior executives. Some may refer to it as a senior executive retirement plan. Companies create these plans to help high-level employees save more for retirement beyond the limits of traditional retirement plans.

Standard 401k contributions don’t have enough savings potential because of contribution caps. A supplemental executive retirement plan helps bridge that gap. One notable characteristic of a supplemental executive retirement plan is the tax treatment. As a non-qualified plan, you don’t pay any taxes until you start receiving your benefits.

What’s the Purpose of a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan?

The purpose of a supplemental executive retirement plan is to provide extra financial security for executives when they retire. It’s often a way for companies to reward their top talent and keep them around longer. It’s easier for them to set up this type of retirement savings plan because they don’t require IRS approval. With that being said, this form of employee benefits isn’t accessible to everyone—it’s made for key executives in an organization.

Unlike a traditional retirement plan, a SERP executive retirement plan doesn’t have the same strict regulations. So, companies can create flexible terms in their agreements. Senior executives at the top level might need a supplemental executive retirement plan if they’ve already maxed out their other retirement contributions.

How a SERP Executive Retirement Plan Works

A SERP executive retirement plan is a non-qualified retirement, so it works differently. Here’s how it operates:

  • Everyone in a company doesn’t get access to a supplemental executive retirement plan. It’s usually reserved for senior executives.
  • The company usually funds the plan, either over time or all at once. The funds don’t come out of the executive’s salary unless agreed upon. These plans can be funded by cash flow, an investment fund, or a cash value life insurance policy.
  • You receive the benefits after retirement, often in installments. This payout can replace a part of your pre-retirement salary.
  • You don’t pay taxes on the money until you receive it. This can help you manage your tax burden in retirement.

Advantages of a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for Senior Executives

A supplemental executive retirement plan can offer several advantages for senior executives. Here’s why a senior executive retirement plan like a SERP can be beneficial:

  • It gives you extra retirement income. Who doesn’t want more money, especially in a time when income is typically fixed? A supplemental executive retirement plan allows you to save more than what’s possible with traditional retirement plans.
  • It encourages you to stick with your company. Companies use these plans to attract senior executives and encourage them to stay long-term.
  • It can provide more flexibility than a traditional plan. Unlike standard retirement plans, SERP contracts can have unique criteria. These terms meet the specific needs of both the company and the executive. This flexibility allows for more personalized retirement planning.
  • It provides deferred compensation. This could potentially lower your tax burden in the meantime.
  • It has no contribution limits. Unlike 401k plans, a SERP executive retirement plan doesn’t have the same IRS limits on contributions.

Disadvantages of Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans

These benefits make a supplemental executive retirement plan an appealing option. However, there are also some drawbacks to consider.

  • It ties you to a specific company. If you leave the company before retirement, you may not receive the supplemental executive retirement plan benefits. This makes it less appealing if you’re considering changing jobs.
  • It comes with the risk of company insolvency. Since it isn’t a qualified plan, the benefits are not protected if the company goes bankrupt. You could lose the money if the company faces financial trouble.
  • It doesn’t provide any immediate tax deduction to the company until you receive money. This also means you don’t see immediate tax advantages other than deferred taxes.
  • It is taxed as ordinary income, which could be higher than the tax rates on other types of retirement income.
  • It doesn’t have creditor protection like a qualified retirement plan.

What is the Difference between a SERP and an NQDC?

A SERP is a company-funded retirement plan. Companies design them to provide additional retirement income for high-level executives. But, a Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation (NQDC) plan allows executives to defer part of their own salary or bonuses to a future date. This is often for tax planning purposes.

In a SERP, the company funds the plan, and you have little control over its structure. In an NQDC plan, you decide how much to defer and when you receive funds. Both plans are non-qualified plans, so they don't follow the strict rules of a 401k plan. However, neither is protected if the company goes bankrupt.

Preparing for Retirement with Ease

When it comes to retirement planning, having the right strategy makes all the difference. A firm like Asset Preservation Wealth and Tax can help you explore options. We can ensure your retirement benefits align with your tax situation and financial goals. By working with experts who understand your unique needs, you can secure your future.

We work with a range of other retirement income strategies. Whether you're considering a Roth IRA for tax-free growth, annuities for guaranteed lifetime income, or other investment vehicles, we can help. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to retirement.

Plan your future with Asset Preservation!

Stewart Willis is the founder and president of Asset Preservation Wealth & Tax, a financial planning firm in Phoenix, Arizona. Investment advisory services offered through Foundations Investment Advisors, LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser.

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