Michelle Umbower

Director of Operations & Finance

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Michelle brings over 40 years of experience in the Accounting and Finance field as a CFO and Controller in the Banking Industry. Working in various business sectors such as Automotive, Real Estate, Legal Profession, Insurance, Agriculture, Investment, Non-Profit Industries, and Tax Industry,  Michelle brings a vast wealth of expertise and talent to the Investment Industry today.

Michelle holds her Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and her Masters of Business Administration in Finance.  She is currently working on her Ph.D. and hoping to obtain her Doctorate in Organizational Management and Strategic Change and her Certified Public Accountant Certification. 

Native to Arizona, Michelle is a mother of two grown children, Matthew and Meghan and a grandmother to five grandchildren.  She loves to golf, garden, read, hike and loves to travel all over the world.

Commitment to Detail and Customer Satisfaction coupled with Strategic Thinking and Planning, Michelle brings her dedication to our clients and to the mission and vision of Asset Preservation Tax & Retirement Services.